
Arturo Beléndez, Coach, Speaker and Hypnotherapist with great expertise in handling Emotions, welcomes you. I have specialized in understanding how emotions affect our daily existence. Despite having a degree in electromechanical engineering, a Master in Communication, and formerly been an entrepreneur for many years in Mexico City, today I am glad I have specialized in the management of emotions in order to be able to help you live in harmony and peace with yourself and with the world.

I never thought my life would become what is now, so, what happened? It turns out that more than twenty four years ago, a chronic condition, present 24/7, gradually led me to close my companies and to start my healing journey. Through all those years I tried the neurologist, the psychiatrist, the psychologist, and all allopathic specialists that seemed a good choice; no study reported clinical causes. I was there, completely broke and in pain, not knowing what to do, so I started to try all naturopaths and alternative treatments I found promising, but all of them yield no benefit.

I confess that frankly desperate and with a big unconscious resistance due to my technical background, I began to open my squared logical thinking process to possibilities that went beyond the scientific mind I had and started a path that led me where I am today; after all, I did not have anything more to lose… This more open mentality led me to meet and learn about other healing methods based on energy, and I tried everyone I though may help. I tried the support of shamans and South American “sacred” drugs known as Ayahuasca and peyote. I even tried DMT, the “toad miracle”, without success either. That was the size of my resistance!

This chronic condition continued affirming its disabling presence every day. Of course, I was very angry, frustrated, scared at what was to be my future, broken, sad and everything else you can imagine, but that did not help at all. Until one day, in San Miguel de Allende, I met a dear old classmate and friend since we were seven and with whom I had lost contact. He is a recognized Hypnosis and NLP instructor, among other specialties. He told me he was about to start an NLP Certification course, to which he invited me. I hesitated to attend because of the symptoms that plagued me, but finally something in my head told me I had to attend it and signed up.

Discovering the power of the mind through basic hypnosis and learning that powerful tool that Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is, was a turning point for me, because I saw in them a way to achieve what I was looking for: my healing. So, with the pain accompanying me day and night, I began to study other more powerful hypnosis options and, on the way, new techniques that would complement my knowledge to achieve what I was looking for, slowly revealing me the huge importance of emotions for this purpose.

I do not remember how it was, but with the knowledge I had acquired, I first offered my help to my family and friends to solve some simple problems such as moodiness, headaches and pre-menstrual discomfort, with results that surprised my own self. These experiences pushed me to make this knowledge my new profession, helping children and adults to solve much more complex issues, releasing negative emotions (anger, resentment, sadness, helplessness, violence, abuse, fears, panic, addictions, etc.) and transforming limiting beliefs that only set them away from peace and complete happiness, supporting them to rescue their inner peace and love for themselves, with the intention of re discovering that life is beautiful.

And this is how now I am proud to offer you my experience, my passion, my heart and my studies, among which are:

  • PNL – Consciencia Consultores
  • Hypnosis – Consciencia Consultores
  • Conversational Hypnosis– Street Hypnosis Ltd.
  • Clinical Hypnosis – American International Association
  • Quantum Hypnosis (Past Life regression) – Vocational Institute of Florida
  • Deep Hypnosis – Ultra Depth Hypnosis Ltd.
  • Specialist Practitioner in Neuro Hypnotic repatterning – Matrix Essential Training Alliance
  • The art of indirect suggestion – British Hypnosis Research
  • Endotipos, (Tipología endócrina) – Consciencia Consultores
  • FasterEFT – Skills to Change Institute
  • Applied Kinesiology – David Hawkins Seminars
  • Silva Mind Control –Silva Method Institute
  • The Sedona Method – Sedona Training Associates
  • QiGong healing – Spring Forest QiGong
  • Corporate Hypnotist – Anthony T Galie
  • Breakthrough to Success – Jack Canfield Self Esteem Seminars
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